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Hurricane Ian and Your Property Insurance Policy

As Hurricane Ian impacts Florida, it is important to know what sort and level of coverage your policy contents. Florida Statute 627 requires an insurance carrier who issues a residential property insurance policy to provide for hurricane and windstorm coverage.…

Independent Tort Doctrine

Not many people are aware of what is called the independent tort doctrine. Essentially, the doctrine prohibits tort actions between parties to a contract such that a plaintiff cannot assert a mirrored tort claim, such as a claim of negligence,…

Remedies in Personal Injury Case

Compensatory Damages: The objective of compensatory damages is to make the injured party whole as possible with a monetary figure and in hopes to restore the injured party to the position he or she would have been in had the…

Dog Bites in Florida

Pursuant to Florida statute 767, a dog owner is held strictly liable for any injury by the dog, whether it is a bite or other injury to person or property (such as another dog), even without the owner’s knowledge of…

COVID-19 Claims with Insurance Coverage

Liability Insurance If a business owner is sued by a person contracting coronavirus on their premises, a CGL policy may come into play as a protection. Additionally, for larger companies, the action or omissions taken by leadership could implicate protections…