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What does your Sea Tow Contract Say?

So you finally paid the $179 and got yourself the gold membership for Sea Tow for your recreational boat. Remember, your membership is activated within 24 hours from receipt of payment. The membership provides towing coverage for your boat (if…

Uninsured Motorist Coverage in Florida

Florida requires every motorist on its roads to carry automobile insurance with a minimum of $10,000 for personal injury protection (PIP) and $10,000 for property damage protection. However, Florida does not require motorists to have underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage.…

Will vs. Trust in Florida

I am often times asked whether a will or trust is appropriate for one’s estate planning needs. For various reasons, many people believe that a trust is always the way to go. However, that is not always the case. Here…

Florida Maritime Boundaries

Although most states have a maritime boundary of three nautical miles from the shoreline, Florida’s maritime boundary is not always so. The Atlantic boundary of the state is: [D]ue east [from the mouth of the St. Marys River] to the…

Florida Boating Laws

Fla. Stat. 327.395 requires any boat operator (if boat has more than 9 horsepower) born on or after January 1, 1988 to have the following: A. Photo ID; and a Boating Safety Identification Card OR B. A State Issued ID…

Sales of Vessels

It is important to note that the sale of a vessel and a contract for the construction of a vessel do not fall within the federal court’s maritime jurisdiction. However, a contract for the repair of a vessel are deemed…

Marina Law

Depending on the circumstances, a marina may have a duty to care for a boat owner’s vessel. Now, if the agreement between the parties is simply for a space or slip, then the marina has a duty to provide security,…